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Updated 10-13-07





Alphabet Letter Arcs



The ABC's are in an arc shape on a large sheet (12”x18”) of construction paper. Use a dish of plastic letters (similar to magnetic letters) to match the letters printed on the arc.  There is a letter arc that can be printed for the capital letters. A capital letter arc can be found at this link:

Scroll down to Book One, then Phonics, then Part One (Letter Recognition). It is on p. 004.


Other letter arcs and letters can be purchased at this website:


Additional activities can be found here:


This is the suggested sequence for the activities:


1. Place the letters in the middle (under the arc but on the paper).


2. Turn all the letters right side up.


3. Find the letter a and place it on the printed a on the letter arc.  Continue doing this alphabetical order.


4. Using their 2 lead fingers (pointer and middle fingers), they recite and touch the plastic letters in order.


5. Then they pick them up one at a time, say the letter's name again, and put it back in the dish.


6. When they can do all of this in less than 3 minutes, then they do it backwards (that is starting with z).


7. After they can do it backwards in 3 minutes, make a new letter arc page printed with just a line for the arc and a, m, n, and z printed. They do it the same way, but now they just put them in order using a, m, n, and z as guides to help them keep them spaced properly.


Other activities:

  • Take away the letter before letter R. (Use other positional words such as after, in front of, behind, first, last, right, left.)

  • What is the first letter of the alphabet? Count over three letters. What letter is it?

Purpose of letter arcs:

  • Teach the number of letters in the alphabet

  • Teach the beginning, middle and ending letters of the alphabet

  • Provide an introduction to the location of letters in the alphabet (For example, "Is letter r close to the beginning, middle or end of the alphabet?")

  • Lead to knowledge of alphabetical order necessary for dictionary skills. (For example, when a student looks for a word beginning with letter G, should he look closer to the front, middle or back of the dictionary?)

  • Help children learn the order of the alphabet without singing the song










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